52词语>英语词典>push over翻译和用法

push over

英 [pʊʃ ˈəʊvə(r)]

美 [pʊʃ ˈoʊvər]




  • The basic principle of push over analysis method is stated in this paper. The state of art and the progress of the method are analyzed in detail. Several suggestions are given for the development of push over method accordingly.
  • It took a serious illness to push him over the precipice into debt.
  • According to the features of tall buildings, three nonlinear macro 3D elements including beam column element, single slice wall element and tube wall element were established with a program of push over analysis for tall structures developed.
  • I'm not surprised he shouted at you!& how would you like to have a big boy pull your hair and push you over?
  • People have damaged hedges and pushed over walls
  • Every release should narrow the gap and eventually push Rubinius over the top with all core methods in terms of performance compared to1.8.
  • Through the push over analysis of two tall concrete buildings with different structure types the influence of second order effect on top drift and base overturning moment had been discussed in detail.
  • I think we are going to make a strong push over the second half of the season.
  • A simplified method for calculation of elastic-plastic inter-story drift ratio of slab-column structure is proposed, and it coincides well with the results by push-over method. 4.
  • As for the environment design of the inner courtyard of Jiangxi Hotel, it is necessary for the designer to choose whether to push over everything to do it again or to reconstruct on the original foundation.